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Give us your feedback about the 2024 edition of Ford RideLondon

The event was held over three days in Essex, Cambridgeshire, Hertfordshire and London (for full routes, scroll down this page). We want feedback from residents, businesses and organisations from these areas to help us make improvements.

The survey will take approximately five minutes to complete.

Provide your feeedback

Friday 24 May

Ford RideLondon Classique Stage One: Saffron Walden to Colchester
(Route includes areas of Uttlesford, North Hertfordshire, East Hertfordshire, South Cambridgeshire, Braintree, Tendring and Colchester).

Classique Stag One Map

Click here to find more about road closure timings and community access information.

Saturday 25 May

Ford RideLondon Classique Stage Two: Maldon to Maldon
(Route includes areas of Maldon, Colchester and Braintree districts).

Classique Stage Two Map

Click here to find more about road closure timings and community access information.

Sunday 26 May

Ford RideLondon-Essex 100, Ford RideLondon FreeCycle and Ford RideLondon Classique Stage Three
(Route includes areas of central London, east London, Epping Forest, Braintree and Chemsford districts).

Click here to find more about road closure timings and community access information.


  • Provision is in place for care providers to make home visits as planned, and all local hospitals will be accessible throughout the event. If you have any queries or need assistance to plan care or hospital visits, please contact our dedicated Customer Services Team here.

  • Ford RideLondon is the world’s greatest cycling festival. It takes place over three days in London and Essex  and features a series of rides and events, designed to offer something for everyone regardless of age, ability or background. It has raised more than £85 million for charity since the first edition of the event in 2013.

  • If you live on or near one of the Ford RideLondon routes from across the weekend, a road closure leaflet which includes maps and timings has been sent to you via post. You can also find more information about road closures and community access for all three days here:

  • No area will have road closures on more than one day and we have worked to minimise the closures wherever possible. The exact length of road closures depends on which event is taking place.

    For the Ford RideLondon Classique professional women’s race, there will be road closures in place around the start and finish venues for each day. Meanwhile, temporary road closures will be in place along the Classique routes. This means the road is shut shortly before the first riders come through and then reopens after the last riders and support vehicles have passed. This period of closure usually lasts around 30 minutes. 

    For the Ford RideLondon-Essex challenge rides on Sunday 26 May, there will be full road closures to ensure the safety of the participants taking part. The length of these road closures depends on the route location. We reopen the roads when it is safe to do so and as soon possible after the last rider has passed.

    Please view full road closures information below:

  • We work with communities on our routes to manage access and mitigate disruption. If you require access in or out of a road closure across the Ford RideLondon weekend for an essential reason (e.g. carer responsibilities, healthcare, business), please get in touch with our specialist team here explaining the access you require so we can support you.
  • If you have a question about Ford RideLondon head here.
  • Yes, parking restrictions will be in place on roads used by the event on all days of Ford RideLondon (Friday 24 May, Saturday 25 May and Sunday 26 May). If you usually park on a road that will be closed for the event, please move your vehicle the night before. On-street event signs will advise of the specific parking suspension times. Any vehicle left on the route or parked in a suspended parking bay will be relocated.